Page last updated November 21, 2003

Where do I start?

This section will help you understand the fairly basic wiring for these cars! The only reason it seems complicated is due to:

Rewiring your M Series using Autosparks Wiring Looms

Once you have the wiring loom, you will need to trace each wire using the BS colour code as a reference. It took me about 1/2 day to work out where everything went, and then i had to sort out the fuseboxes. I used 2 fuesboxes, each with 8 fuses, and the layout was as follows (the wires are pretty much set for you to just cut, then wire into the fusebox(es):

Fuse No. Rating Circuit
1 15A Console Switches
2 7.5A Voltage Stabiliser
3 7.5A Brake Lamp Switch
4 10A Fan & spare Relay
5 7.5A Indicator Relays
6 15A Wiper Switch
7 Spare Spare
8 2A Radio
9 25A Horn & Spare Relay
10 15A Hazard Relay
11 5A Interior Lamp/Door Switches
12 20A Cigar Lighter
13 Spare Spare
14 Spare Spare
15 7.5A Sidelamps/No. Plate
16 5A Sidelamps

Useful wiring tips:

To choose the size of fuse to use on a circuit, then you nees to know the wattage of the component - eg a 21 Watt lamp, the voltage is 12V (of course), then 21divided by 12 = 1.75 Amps. However, there is a surge current of approx 150% when turning on a circuit, so 1.75A x 150% = 2.62Amps, and then you would add a little just to ensure the fuses don't keep blowing....so call it 5 Amps for this example. From this rule, you can also see what sort of wire to use - so maybe you would select a 5A or 8A wire for this circuit - 8A would be sensible.