Welcome to M-Fix, Est.
News update on 30th April 2020
Lockdown edition....
You can now view the new website progress here
- please be patient!
PARTS DEVELOPMENT NEWS! - I'm hoping to start up a
design/build/production for obsolete parts later this
year, this has been progressing behind the scenes but I'm
hoping to start to provide a source of some very useful M
Series parts in the not too distant future.
Older news
Website is being redesigned - mainly due to HTML5 etc
being incompatible with the old site. I am adding all the
old members area pages to this site (ie. no more
membership area) as things have changed so much & the
internet is full of how-to stuff on youtube etc. I will be
starting a much needed parts area with the intention of
opening an online store for parts in autumn/fall or winter
2019/20. Still early stages with that but I'm looking
along the lines of small production runs using both
traditional production methods and modern technology. If
you have any ideas for this please send in a survey form!
Thank you - and thanks for the supporting this site!
Taimar Tailgate wanted - new or used condition please
contact me & I will pass your details on to the owner.
See menu - About - Contact to email.
Here's another useful link for Weber DCNF Triple Carb Kits
(including inlet manifold). Thank you Bernd
Bamberg once again!
Older news
The end of the long summer's approaching. Latest news is
that the website will get some extra pages very soon,
I'm getting round to opening up all the old members area
to the main site. This has been closed for a long while
to members as the way the internet works has changed so
much from the early days. This means a lot more content
here for all M series owners, as well as all the V6
Essex engined cars. Feel free to drop me a line if you
wish to see anything you can't find in the current
Feb 2018
New wanted ad:
" I have a 1972 TVR 2500 Vixen
bodied M - am looking for a refurbished
TR6 engine that I can tune up to 1160/170 hp + probably
heater matrix and a few other things"
If anyone can help, please email here:
Dec 2017
Best wishes to all you TVR owners out there. I've got
nothing TVR related for viewing but here's a video from
Burlen Fuel Systems (SU Carburettors ) which is pretty
SU Merry Christmas Video
Nov 2017
Thanks to Bernd Bamberg for the following useful TVR
related items:
TVR Car Heater Matrix (Later - non M series
Models) http://www.motoradsonline.co.uk/categories/Car-Heaters/TVR-Car-Heaters/
3000M Heater Matrix & other models: http://www.vehicleheaters.co.uk/Heater%20Matrix%20Make/Heater%20Matrix%20-%20TVR.html
3000M Bottom Hose pump to radiator in black silicone -
much needed!! https://www.scimitar-tvrcentre.nl/tvr/3000-m/koelsysteem/onderste-waterslang.html
38DGAS Weber carburettors, brand new from fastroadcar http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WEBER-38-DGAS-CARB-CARBURETTOR-FORD-3-0-v6-ESSEX-CAPRI-GRANADA-SCIMITAR-GILBERN-/151523136064?hash=item23477b9240
Sept 2017
New car lift - made in USA and now available from Holden
Vintage - https://www.holden.co.uk
This is a late posting, but recently had info of a new
ignition lock for M series card to chassis number 4303FM.
Click on image for further details & thank you Bernd
Bamberg for this useful new product.
Getting ready for a new season....and a new era
At the moment, it seems rare classic car prices are
soaring due to the financial slump, combined with
uncertainty in the future of interest rates, the 'B' word,
and some interesting (if not always predictable) changes
in the world order. The media seems to be fuelling this
trend even further. I wonder how many of you have decided
to hang on to an old classic that you would have otherwise
sold, simply as it's a better investment? Or whether
keeping the car has nothing to do with being financially
savvy, and is more to do with sentiment or just the love
of everything pre ECU or earlier. Many 80's
& 90's cars are fast becoming the new 'useable'
investment, providing an appreciating asset, but at the
same time allowing the owner to have a bit of fun along
the way. We are fast becoming blase to the changes around
us, and if you've been lucky enough to have a a ride in an
electric car recently, you might start wondering what's
going to be next. A family saloon that does 0-60 in under
4 seconds, without anything but tyre noise? Faster than
many exotic sports cars, and supposedly safer at the same
time. Perhaps not my cup of tea, but it's going to be hard
to ignore the performance available once prices come down
to a level that the average person can afford.
Who knows what the future will bring, but technology is
moving things further, faster, but farther from the days
of the home mechanic. I just hope that somewhere along the
way there will be something that can bring back some real
fun & enjoyment from owning a car, instead of simply
providing us with a means to get from A to B in the
fastest & safest way. Insulated spanners & 400
Volts, that's not going to be something you can tune up
without a few years training!
Sept 2016
It's been a great summer this year for taking the car
out this year (in the UK at least). Website work still yet
to be more than the odd update here & there, but it's
not going to stay like that forever. I have some exciting
new projects coming up and hope to divulge more in the
coming weeks.
Thanks as always to those of you who use my website for
info, and also thanks to those who contact me wherever you
may be! It's amazing to know that the oldest TVRs are still
being driven all round the world.
Hope you had a good weekend
- great driving weather! I've put a couple of new parts for
sale in the M-Fix store -for 2500M owners. Please keep your
survey forms coming in as I'm working on a few ideas for
building up a stock of parts for the M Series cars.
new website for TVR - includes news on the new car &
Hope you had a good Easter. Now the weather will
(hopefully) start to improve, the first news is that
there's a good 2500M for sale. NOW SOLD - NOW SOLD - NOW
Jan 2016
Just added the cooling overview & air conditioning
page. These have been missing for some time.
I am (still) working on a new design
for the website. Thanks for all your support this year
(2015), and also for the submitted survey forms which allow
me to fine tune my plans for the website & hopefully
some new parts etc in 2016.
Technical Questions section will return soon - working on
menu system for members area.
Woolies Trim - Specialist
Useful tools from one of the last existing trim companies.
Especially useful are the hog ring pliers for seat
upholstering. These are still being used on modern cars
today! Woolies Trim
Sad to say Autumn is
creeping up on us this month (already), and to be safe at
night in your TVR a new windscreen is one way of making
your vision clearer.
Uroglas can supply tinted, heated
windscreens for the TVR M series (also fits pre M series
Heating is by a fine wire system
embedded between the glass layers (similar to that in a Ford
Mondeo). The tech.spec. is 12v, 14amps, 168watts.
Comes with cable connections for live
and earth. Requires a relay (preferably with timer –
available from Ford for Mondeo/Focus heated screens) and a
switch (push-button, reset type if using a timer relay).
These screens are available off the
shelf @ £246.00 + VAT + shipping (shipping is £65 + VAT to
most parts of mainland UK). Worldwide shipping not a
Anyone interested in purchasing a heated
windscreen should contact Uroglas via email
sr@uroglas.com or by telephone +44 (0) 1527 577 477.
(Please mention you saw the advert on the M-Fix website)
Unheated also available
We can also supply unheated screens. These are made to order
with around a five week lead time. Clear laminated glass is
£189 + VAT, green tint is £192 + VAT and clear or green with
a blue top shade band are £198 + VAT. Shipping is as for the
heated windscreen.
Uroglas Ltd
2 Buntsford Hill Business Park
Buntsford Park Road
B60 3DX
Tel:+44 (0) 1527 577 477
New reproduction Weber DCNF Air Intakes
As a Webcon Dealer, they are now selling reproduction
weber intake stacks for the 40 & 42 DCNF Weber Carbs.
I've just bought a set, so here's a better view for anyone
who's after a set for their Essex (or Ferrari)!

Newer versions of the DCNF come with a built in style of
intake on the carb top, (I have this type). Milling
these new style intakes off and fitting the older style
intake stack ought to improve the airflow, especially on
cars with limited clearance between the carbs and the bonnet
(the 3000M/S for starters). The newer (built in) intakes
appear to be lacking a good rounded end, so these stacks are
a welcome return. The part number is 52848.001. Availability
- good.
Rimmer Brothers 10% Discount - on
orders over £50 + VAT - on all Triumph Parts until
Midnight on Sunday 9th August.
Old Tyres
In more recent years, I've noticed that tyres
deteriorate much faster than those from previous
decades. Many classics I come across have tyres from the
80's, or even before. It's amazing they're still being
used, without any signs of perishing sidewalls or cracks
between the treads. It's questionable if these should
still be used for the obvious reason of safety, but I
come across tyres from newer vehicles which seem to
perish badly after only 4 or 5 years. The compounds may
have changed - that's one possible reason, but also
perhaps quality has been compromised in some instances.
It would be good to hear from any of you with the
classic TVRs, with any tips on good brands/models of
tyres for the original rims which you feel have the best
grip, and are of better quality. Equally, if you have
any bad experience of tyre, let me know how/why it is
less than excellent. Feel free to drop me a line - email
Valve seat regression....
If any of you have older TVRs with V6 Essex or Cologne
engines, it's worth knowing if your car has had hardened
valve seats fitted. I looked at a Cobra kit car a while
back with a V6 Cologne, that ran fairly well until the
engine warmed up. It would then stall, and feel like it
was starved of petrol. After some basic checks, I found
all the valve/rocker clearances were way too tight.
After adjusting to the correct clearance, the car ran
well and didn't stall when hot. The owner had bought the
car without knowing about this. I came across the same
again last year on a V6 Essex. Valve seat wear was so
bad that the valve faces were lower than the head
Rimmer Brothers have a 10% discount offer on Triumph
parts at the moment, any order over £50 (excl. VAT)
qualifies, until midnight on 12th July 2015. Enter code
UK1415W ;o) www.rimmerbros.co.uk
Site Blog: 2500M For Sale
in Ontario, Canada - SOLD
Check out some new items at Woolies Trim www.woolies-trim.co.uk
Find them and other useful restoration companies at this
weekend's National
Kit Car Motor Show at Stoneleigh, Warwicksire (May 3rd
& 4th)
Winter Driving in your M Series or
Taimar TVR....anyone have any pics? If so email them in for
inclusion in a new Gallery section.
Site changes planned for 2015 - more news over the weekend.
Rimmer Brothers have a 16.67% discount on Triumph
& Rover SD1 parts until 19th January 2015 - have a look
Don't forget to click on the
Sale Banner to get the discount!
1st Jan
2015 - Happy New Year!
Please note: The members
area is offline for time being
Thanks for your continued support through the last few
months, even though the site has more or less frozen up!
Work pressure has slowed down the upkeep of this site,
but hopefully this will be changing shortly. Please
don't try to join the members area until I have fully
updated the navigation system - I will post news about
this once complete.
Nice standard 3000M for
sale on eBay uk this week here
RSS feed problem, and site navigation work underway
I hope to get some exhaust development work done this
summer - more about this to follow.
New article on cylinder head stripdown also to
follow...including conversion to unleaded.
December 2013 - TVR 3000M breaking for spares, on ebay -
look here
20th November 2013 - Winter is on our doorstep:
(until Friday 22nd Nov) - Savings up to 50% on high street
prices. If you need a car battery in time for winter for
your TVR or any other make, drop me a line here,
with your car's reg and if possible your battery type e.g.
030, 031, 063, 096 etc (written on the battery). I can get
back to you with a price...of course postage could present
a problem but if you are passing Banbury, Oxon. I can
arrange a place where you can collect. Payment can be made
by debit card over the phone or by Paypal. Collection
point info will be provided for business hours collection.
Antifreeze -
Blue Coolant for your TVR - 5L and 20L drums available.
is for today only - WEDNESDAY 20TH NOVEMBER:
5L Bottles -
£12.00 inclusive
20L Drums - £45.00 inclusive
16th November
2013 - NEW!! CSS menu now in operation. Wave goodbye
to the Java plugin problems that have made this site more
& more tricky to view recently. I'm still working on some
new pages, other ideas so please bear with me.
September 2013 - Site menu update underway. The Java
menu above is becoming difficult to maintain due to the way
new browsers work, and Java settings also tend to blank it out
unless the user reduces Java security. The only option is to
add a CSS menu system instead which I'm currently working on.
23rd June 2012 - 2500M
for Sale in Virginia, USA - click here
22nd June 2013 - At
last a rear hub removal tool is available for the TR6. As
you may know these are one of the most difficult hubs to
dismantle due to the taper angle of the stub axle. SC parts
are the supplier - just be warned that their email marketing
is pretty annoying and they don't respond to unsubscribe
requests. I get endless emails from them so I suggest you
are careful what email address you submit to them - click here
17th June 2013
- Are your carb spindles straight?
Balancing carbs has been a common job for me this year, and
I'm seeing quite a few cases (on twin port carbs like Weber
DCOE, DCNF, plus TR6 Injection throttle bodies) where the
spindle has been bent. This may not seem important, but any
mis-alignment of the butterflies as a pair results in
incorrect airflow where it matters - at idle and part
throttle. Even though the carb models mentioned have air
bypass screw to allow for the slight differences you'll find
on most if not all carbs, any more than a slight difference
can mean the transition holes are not being uncovered at the
same time, causing poor running at lower speeds & idle.
The 38DGAS has gears to join the twin spindles, so doesn't
quite suffer the same as the combined spindle models. The
cause of a bent spindle can be a) no throttle pedal stop,
causing excessive force b) loose butterfly causing it to jam
in the carb/throttle body throat c) incorrect assembly
procedure d) foreign object (or screwdriver used to hold
open carb - seriously I've seen people in garages do this
instead of lock the linkage carefully)! If you have any
problems getting smooth running, get yourself a synchrometer
& check out those spindles!
The Great British.....Summer?
16th June 2013 -
The bad winter & spring has left many of us with cars in
garages here in the UK. Classic car owners are finally getting
their cars out for shows & weekend use, but the rain is
back again for mid-June!
I've recently been in contact with Uroglas during my
day-to-day work on classics - they have provided some updated
information regarding their TVR M Series heated & non
heated windscreens which may be of interest:
M Series Heated Windscreen = £239.00 +VAT
M Series Windscreen (Clear) =£168.00 +VAT
""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (Green Tinted) = £179.00 +VAT
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""(Shade Band) = £187.00 +VAT
UK Shipping is £60.00 + VAT
Rear screens at present are not available.
Please contact Uroglas if you require any of the
above here: info@uroglas.com
12th November 2012 - It's
been a while! Speedo repair now available for the Chimaera
mileometer sticking fault. This applies to models fitted
with the Caerbont Speedo with the mechanical mileometer.
So far one happy customer - please drop me a line if you
have such a fault & wish to get it sorted. For prices
please see here
7th August 2012 - Chimaera
Speedo Testing. I'm working on one at the moment - anyone
needing some advice on testing the speed sensor please
feel free to contact me by email, have spent a while on
this and know how it all works so you can work out what
has failed. Working on the later type that picks up the
speed from the o/s diff joint (2 wire type), have also
worked on the S series older transducers (SD1 Rover type)
and also speedo's.
10th July 2012 - Links pages updated, a couple of new ads, parts
source list brake master cylinder info added (many thanks
to Jonathan Morris)
25th June 2012 - A few additions coming to the
website shortly, updates have not been frequent this year
due to my workload.
March 28th 2012 - T-Slot wheel restoration -
New section (in non members area) contributed by Andrew
Gray - many thanks to you! Click here to see the article.
March 13th 2012 - Parts for Sale - New advert for an
unused WEBER 40DFi-5 rebuild kit - click here
March 2nd 2012 - Links updated - The links page had
a few dead links, these have been amended where possible,
or deleted where a website no longer exists, or was a fake
forum site for advertising purposes (sneaky
webmasters...can you believe it!)
March 1st - Electronic Ignition info - More
recently, a few new sources of electronic ignition have
been appearing at buget prices. For years the main options
available were the Lumenition & Aldon Ignitor kits.
Both are very well made, reliable, fairly easy to fit, but
prices are higher than the new Accuspark kit as seen on
ebay. How does the Accuspark compare? I have recently
fitted a couple of these kits (Aldon Ignitor &
Accuspark)to customers' cars, and my findings will appear
in the ignition section this month.
March 1st - I've finally done a little work
updating the parts source list. First to appear is oil
filter info - smaller diameter filter is now listed for
those Essex engine owners that have trouble with the
engine mount proximity!
February 29th - 390SE Wedge for sale - check here
February 15th - Conversion kit to adapt standard V6
Essex Manifold to Single Point Fuel Injection - last item
remaining - USA Ebay auction, click here
January 26th 2012 - Rover V8 carb conversion now available, allows
quadruple 45 DCOE's to be fitted (complete with inlet
manifold...all parts are new!) click here: http://www.webcon.co.uk/shop/shopexd.asp?id=15133
January 8th 2012 - Welcome to all new members who joined
over the Christmas Holidays!
January 3rd 2012 - parts source list amended, trade
tips amended
December 31st 2011 - Discount codes for Rimmer Brothers
Triumph Parts - good for many of the classic TVR
parts (these codes also work with Rover SD1 Parts for any
Wedge owners out there):
Quote the following codes when ordering online: UK0112W
or use this one for email/phone/fax orders: UK0112D
Please note this may not work for orders placed
for despatch outside the UK, I haven't checked this.
Discount is the equivalent of paying no VAT which is of
course currently 20%! The only stipulation is that the
order value must be over £50.00 GBP. Offer valid from 3rd
Jan to 22nd Jan inclusive 2012. Click here to go to the Rimmer Brothers
December 15th 2011 - SCAM Alert!
When placing an advert on this website (or any other)
please consider what contact details you wish to be
displayed. This is due to a recent advert placed by a TVR
owner in the wanted section which attracted the attention
of a hoax seller. In this case the motive was probably to
somehow extract cash from the buyer without any part
existing. If you leave your email address, please be aware
that this may be used by a malicious person (or harvesting
software) which meay lead to some sort of scam. If you
leave your phone number instead, you may find it easier to
judge if a caller is genuine. Either way, remember that
your contact details are in the public domain. Classic TVR
parts are sometimes very scarce, and as such may attract
clever fraudsters who know people are looking for rare
November 9th 2011 - WANTED - boot lid for
1979 TVR 3000S any condition with boot catch if possible.
See full setails here.
November 7th 2011 - WANTED!! - Any
technical documentation, especially relating valve
clearance info for Vulcan Engineering's Camshaft
model VF 106 A
If you have any useful information please send it
Oct 26th 2011 - TVR S1, S2, S3 & S4 including V8S Series
steering racks come in two styles - 1) with removable
inner track rod balljoints (complete with track rod), and
2) with adjustable track rod inner joints. I recently had
to adjust one of these and have managed to get my hands on
a very limited supply of engineers' tapered
steel pins which allow the adjustment and
re-drilling/staking of the adjustable collars and save you
a fortune sending your rack to a specialist. Please see
the Marketplace tab at the top of the page, then select M
Series Store. Otherwise just click HERE
Sept 27th 2011 - Members area payment
button was not working due to a Paypal technical change.
Membership application now up & running again. Click
here to apply for 1 month's access
Sept 19th 2011 - New Technical Questions have been
Sept 6th 2011 - Wanted advert placed for a
V6 Essex Sump - does anyone have one for this owner? Click Here
Aug 14th 2011: 2500 For Sale - click
here for more info
Jul 16 2011: Fuel Prices & LPG
Conversions - I'm wondering how long it will be
until classic TVRs will be forced to use LPG just to stay
on the UK roads. People who see the old 3000M when I'm out
ask if it's an LPG car - simply as they can see the
cylindrical fuel tank through the rear window. I really
need to make a crash cage for it and then cover it as it
is getting a bit boring to get asked all the time. It does
however make more sense to think about these days as fuel
has recently been as high as £1.49 GBP per Litre ($9.73
USD per gallon) in this neck of the woods, and even higher
elsewhere or at Motorway service stations.
I have another gas guzzling vehicle, and recently
did a check on the fuel consumption as it's too old to
have an MPG gauge on the dash. Here are my workings:
300 Miles used approx £71.50 (£115.19) fuel which
equates to 25.38mpg
If I converted to LPG, with 20% loss in fuel
economy then:
300 Miles would use approx £49.14 ($79.17) LPG =
31.28% cost saving
The cost of such a conversion on that vehicle
would be approx £1200, or £600 for me to do myself plus
£300 to get it checked & approved before use.
Therefore per 300 miles with a saving of approx £22 (or 13
miles for every £1 saved), then I would need to drive
15600 before the conversion is worthwhile, or 11700 miles
if I convert the engine. That is just about a year's
driving, so well worth the cost if keeping the vehicle for
a few years.
Doing this to an old V6 Essex engine would be
possible I'm sure, but would prefer to have the LPG tank
fully sealed and not inside the car. It all depends on the
price of LPG though, as if more people keep changing over
to it, the price will creep up for sure. Another issue
would be that for track day use (as many owners would like
to do), the fuel tank as a backup would need to be large
enough to allow petrol to be the track day fuel. Then
comes the question of whether the marshals would allow an
LPG car on the race track (a Health and Safety issue no
The 3000M in its current state of tune does
approx 18mpg - well worth considering an alternative for
economy runs at least.
Jul 16 2011: Wasted Time when ordering online
- When car parts are supplied incorrectly or not on
the day expected it can be the most frustrating thing.
Having worked in a couple of parts departments in the past
then certain problems can arise from lack of staff
experience, lack of interest, low wages, heavy workload
from both retail & trade customers, as well as from
other departments within the car dealership. Needless to
say sometimes the customer can't explain the part they
require or misunderstand the fault they have with their
In my business I order parts both locally and
online, to meet my customers' needs. I can say that pretty
often a part can be supplied incorrectly, even when the
invoice shows the correct item if the part is picked
incorrectly. Local purchases are easier to return as you
don't have to pack & post the parts back. This brings
me to the question - how do I buy my car parts? Cost is
obviously a large factor - but this has to be weighed
against availability, time to receive, what if the part is
supplied incorrectly? Sometimes it is better to pay more
for a part you can source locally, as you save a day, and
save money in the long-run if the part comes wrong or
damaged. Another interesting fact is that sometimes buying
a group of parts can be cheaper than individual parts.
Last week I needed a track rod end for an old 90's BMW.
These have 2 track rod ends on each side, plus a track rod
that joins them. I needed to replace just one joint -
which was £9+VAT, however the whole assembly was seized
solid, so I went back to replace the part with the whole
thing which came to £21. It saved a load of work &
meant the tracking (on that side) could be adjusted with
In more recent years, many dealerships who own a
chain of garages (in the UK) have decided to create a
"parts only" operation where they have a business
dedicated just to selling parts, sometimes for more than
one manufacturer. One such company is TPS (part of the
Listers group) who sell Audi, VW, Seat & Skoda parts
and they cover 95% of the UK. Parts are the same price
unless you're in the trade (like myself), but they are
staffed well and stock is high - meaning parts may be
available off the shelf.
I'm not plugging any parts suppliers, but just
wanted to make you aware that things are slowly changing
for the better when it comes to buying parts for your car.
The motor trade has a poor reputation in this area,
largely due to the parts dept. profits (usually) being the
lowest for any high street garage when compared to the
service & sales dept's.
This leads me on to TVR parts - and the benefit
of owning a car which has parts taken from the most
popular vehicles of the period. Most of the engine parts
are available from the usual major classic suppliers such
as Rimmer Brothers for the Triumph & Rover Bits, Moss
Europe, Burton Power for the Ford parts and so on.
Unfortunately some parts for the 70's cars are not easy to
find now, and Ebay may well be the first & last place
you find rarer bits. Ebay is a great source of reference
too - sometimes a photo of a part is all you need to see
to make sure you are buying the correct item elsewhere.
Part numbers can also help if you have them - google shows
up many obsolete parts but at least allows measurements to
be gleaned from original plans. Eventually many parts will
become unavailable and production runs for a limited
number of units will be the only way forward. This is
already happening with TVR windscreens (albeit for heated
versions), but also for the TVR S front indicators (old
Freight Rover Sherpa parts). Private individuals get
involved in this and you can find a lot of chat on this
subject if you visit Pistonheads.
July 15 2011: Brake Bleeding - As a mobile mechanic
I have many different types of work to do and sometimes
find problems with cars caused by bad previous repairs.
The latest one made me laugh, but also proves the danger
of mixing up parts before refitting. I needed to replace
the front flexible brake hoses on an old Jaguar plus a
caliper piston seal that was leaking due to old age. I
replaced the caliper seal and brake hose on one side,
refitted it, then did the other. Bled the brakes (even
replaced the bleed screws to ensure they will not seize
up) - job done...or so I thought. I noticed that the bleed
screws were at the bottom of the caliper piston rather
than the top, however as the fluid bled ok I proceeded to
road test the car. Each time I braked, the pedal almost
hit the floor! A couple of pumps and the pedal worked
again but any emergency stop would have been impossible. I
returned and removed one caliper so the bleed screw was
vertical, stuck a block of wood in between the pads, then
opened the bleed screw with a clear bleed pipe attached.
Air instantly flowed into the pipe for a good 15-20
seconds, therefore proving the calipers were the wrong way
round. I swapped them over & re-bled the system - all
then worked correctly. The owner said the brakes had been
removed for caliper work 4 years before, but I'm not sure
why the garage swapped them over - almost certainly a mix
up, but they did manage to bleed the brakes so they may
have known about this at the time. Even pressure bleeding
the calipers in the upside down position didn't bleed out
the air as I tried this just out of curiosity.
High Spec Essex V6 engine for sale - click here
Unusual ebay sale - a complete set of triple Weber
DCNF carbs plus almost all accessories needed to install on
a V6 Essex! Click Here
Rare high quality TVR Vixen for Sale in the USA - look
in marketplace
New paint restoration product available in the Store - click here for details
Members area is now back online. Gone is the
automatic payment system (for now) as that was outdated and
was causing more trouble than it was worth. Each member
using the payment button will receive an email with
username/password details to access the members area. I do
this manually at the moment so please allow up to 24 hours
or so to be allowed access. Anyone wanting access to the
area can now pay via paypal by clicking on the payment
button here
Here is the long awaited NEW TR6 Rear Hub assembly
now being stocked by Rimmer Brothers here in the UK. It is
indeed completely new which should come as a relief to many
owners, as the stub axle is easily bent when attempts are
made to remove the hub flange without a special tool. Even a
40 ton press sometimes fails to press the flange out due to
flexing of the flange on the tapered stub axle. I bought
this to replace the bent stub axle on the 3000M as the ones
that are given as an exchange item are frequently out of
true. Note this doesn't come with the wheel studs so they
need to be purchased separately. The other good thing about
having a new one is the U/J yoke is going to be a nice tight
fit - replacing the worn original which was loose with the
bearing casings spinning causing further wear. Article on
fitting this to appear in the members area as soon as it's
up & running.

Brand New Rear Hub Assemblies now available from
Rimmer Brothers, finally in stock - check here . I've just ordered and
received one of these, and it is a simple job of replacing
with the original. No more wobbles on the back wheel (due
to a bent stub axle)!
1st April - Server problem still ongoing. However
I have put a couple of new adverts on the Marketplace
pages - a 3000s for sale, plus a new parts wanted advert.
Update March 22nd 2011 -
Server work has been continuing, hope to have some news
on the modem tomorrow (I am disappointed at the low
level of support from certain world leading
manufacturers, and the quality of their firmware). I
find it incredible that two modern routers and one modem
purchased all have problems with their software or
glitches that make easy networking a monumental task.
Think I'm getting somewhere now but so far have spent
over £500 GBP to sort this problem!
March 9th 2011 - Hardware compatibility problems are
causing some trouble at present. I have spent at least
30 hours in the last week setting the new server up but
am waiting for a manufacturer to provide either new
modem firmware or replacement unit. Apologies for this
unforseen problem but the new server will be worth it I
promise! Membership will be extended to those who have
paid - refunds can be made if anyone wishes, just email
me on the contact button above.
Work is underway on the web
server, so it will be offline from 6pm GMT 20th Jan until
the weekend if not sooner. Members will have extended
memberships due to this, apologies for this unforseen
event. Update on 26th Jan - looks like a replacement
server is necessary as is 12 years old now. New one on the
way but may take a while to get this up & running so
working on a temporary server. Update on 5th March - Web
server working but need another modem, members area will
be back up very soon now.
Update today (20th Jan 2011) - I have finally bought
a decent scanner, so am working on re-scanning all the old
paper photos from the 1990's restoration. I don't have many
extra photos but will add them anyhow as anything new is
better for reference! I've just done the sunroof page - take
a look as the pics are so much clearer now.
MOT's for Classics in Oxford, UK
If you're looking for a friendly garage to MOT your classic
TVR (or any other car for that matter), I can recommend
T&T Motor Services in Oxford. With years of experience
they are more familiar with classic cars than many fast fit
testing stations, some of whom may fail an item that they
are unfamiliar with.
T&T's website is here: http://www.tandtmotorservices.co.uk/
Members area Essex V6 Manifold Info added.
Just been looking at rear disc brake conversions for the TR6
running gear for someone asking if it can be done on a
Taimar. Found this useful link: http://www.britishv8.org/Articles/TR6-Rear-Disc-Brakes.htm
Over the last few weeks of cold weather I've come across
quite a few engines where the thermostat has either stuck
open, or is opening too soon therefore meaning the engine
can't heat up fully. The latest was today on a modern car
with a diagnostic computer check showing at 81ºC the
thermostat opened, then the temp dropped to 79ºC, then the
thermostat closed, temp then rose to 81ºC and continued in
these cycle. This is of course easy to spot on a modern car
with technology to support the symptoms, however on old
vehicles this is not as easy unless you're prepared to wire
up a digital temp gauge as a test tool. What seems to be
(these days) a rare fault, it is unusual for me to see so
many thermostats fail during the last few weeks. This brings
me to the assumption that the cold weather allows faults
with thermostats to be made more noticeable, simply as the
heater inside the vehicle seems to take ages to get warm. It
may also be possible (although I've no way of proving this
yet) that prolonged periods of cold which have not been seen
for many years (at least here in the UK) may have some
effect on the thermostat's reliability. All vehicles tested
had a good antifreeze mix incidentally so ice was not a
factor. So....if your car or car seems to be taking a lot
longer to warm up, the best way to check the thermostat is
to touch the radiator after 2 or 3 minutes running, and
before the temp gauge reaches the normal position. If the
radiator warms up across its width, then the thermostat is
most likely opening too early (or is stuck even partially
open). It's a cheap part to replace and will benefit the
fuel economy and your driving comfort. Just be aware that
the fan & auxiliary belts are usually close to the
radiator so be careful ;op
Carbs now matched, just making new gaskets so will
be road testing before Christmas.
Carb work is continuing during the very cold weather - loads
added to the Weber 40 DCNF tuning section which may help
others with twisted throttle spindles when carb balancing is
required. Latest work will see the result of altering the
carb butterflies to make a matched pair in each carb. See
members area for findings.
As the winter is drawing in I've decided to offer a
carb rebuild service for TVR owners (and any other carbs for
that matter). I'm trying to reduce my time on the road as a
mobile auto technician and get more into internet services
which I am hoping will expand over the next few months. If
you have a carb that needs rebuilding, please feel free to contact
me for further info. A page dedicated to this will
appear on this website very shortly.
Winter is coming - will it be another cold one? This year
I've decided to invite all TVR owners to send in their best
winter TVR photo. The gallery will be opened today,
so please feel free to send in your photo. I will resize to
allow viewing on the same scale for each photo on the
webpage, photos in jpeg format if possible please. You can
also add a caption if you like for a bit more fun!
At last I have found time to get
the 3000m's Wilwood Vented Brake conversion working to a
good standard. The problem was getting the brake pedal to be
high enough due to the 4 pot calipers needing a larger
displacement of brake fluid compared with the old TR6 2 pot
calipers. I am just preparing the write up & it will be
posted into the members area shortly, photos to follow in a
couple of days.
TVR Track Day Castle Combe 24th September 2010 - Another
year's gone by - and the 3000M still isn't finished (yet).
However, this time I took my HD Camera so check out the
videos on the M-Fix YouTube page. No classic TVRs were on
the track but it was still good with some quick cars - http://www.youtube.com/tvrmfix
Wolfrace Slot Wheels to be remanufactured -
IMPORTANT FOR CLASSIC TVR OWNERS - you have to vote to get
them made as they are giving people a choice of 3 but only
the one with the highest votes will be manufactured. Check
out the page here - http://www.wolfrace.co.uk/vote
I've found a useful website for M Series Shock Absorbers,
Brake Pads, Discs & Hoses - check here
I've managed to update the website today and change the menu
page to white at last. I've also added some interesting
information regarding 3.4 Litre Essex engines from South
Africa (see
here), plus some other info. regarding a carburettor
problem which may be overlooked (here).
MOSS Europe are now selling new rear hub units for the TR6 -
at last you can replace the whole item including flange,
stub axle & wheel bearing without trying to dismantle
the old one. Many reconditioned hubs are not 100% true as I
found out when I bought one a few years ago. Look here: http://www.moss-europe.co.uk/Shop/ViewProducts.aspx?PlateIndexID=18142
Members area is currently NOW ONLINE - see below:
Finally the members area server is now on after a
few changes. At present the site remains as before until I
can get time to change things around to make it easier to
navigate and have a better appearance. All current members
will have their memberships extended as an apology for the
length of time the server was offline.
The server power supply exploded as I turned the
system back on today - seems that it didn't like being off
for 10 days. I now need a new server as it's 11 years old
now and has lasted well (was on its 3rd power supply). I'm
now looking into a new server system which will allow faster
access and more storage, plus up to date software which has
been a bit of an issue over the last couple of years for me
to contend with. Members will be given extra membership time
to cover this -- again please accept my apologies. A further
update on the situation will appear on this page as soon as
I know more.
Brake caliper conversion is now finished, photos
being compiled for a new section. The brake pedal travel is
as expected a lot longer, so the master cylinder will have
to be replaced with a suitable alternative. I'm looking into
this right away & will get modding. Once complete I can
reveal the info. To make this an easy change for anyone out
there with the same problem.
Started the brake conversion today (29th April 2010) -about
time! All went well apart from the weather. Lucky that I
have the necessary flaring tools etc to manufacture any pipe
shape I need - combined with some Euroquip fittings it's
making the upgrade a breeze. Also as a bonus, the Wilwood
calipers fit inside the standard T Slot 14" Alloy Wheel with
a few mm to spare, so that has saved a snowball effect in
terms of cost. Photos not yet published but a full step by
step fitting guide will follow once the job is finished.
Next will be testing and possibly a master cylinder
replacement to allow for further pedal travel which won't be
a surprise as there may be more fluid displacement.
I've just received an email from someone selling a few new
crated Ford V6 Essex 3.4L engines, as seen on ebay a while
back. Have a look here
for more details.
A bit of trivia for Easter...I just
by chance saw the "Under Pressure" Queen/David Bowie video
from the early 1980's. About 28 seconds into the video
there's a V6 Essex Engine that explodes...noticed it by the
sump shape as it flies through the air! Rewind and pause
with Sky+ and it's definitely this engine. An abstract Blog
maybe, but I wonder why on earth the engine was blown up -
whether it was done for the music video, or whether it was
old footage from some other test?? Take a look here:
Router problem sorted, just needed an hour of my undivided
attention! All active members have an extended membership as
promised to cover the time lost. I have also added all the
technical questions that have been piling up since last
I'm just installing a new router,
so apologies for members - website is still down due to
technical changes required. It seems all routers are
different and each one has its quirks! Members will get
extra time added to the end of their memberships for this. I
have also added a couple of videos to the M-Fix YouTube
Channel (see below). Much more to follow, those were just a
couple I could get done while checking out the new brake kit
I will be fitting.
Interesting website now in my links page - South West Sports
Cars specialise in TVR hire in the south west - see http://www.southwestsportscars.co.uk/
As mentioned in previous blog (below), work now commencing.
I have an HD camera at last, so finally you'll get to see
some proper M Series TVR footage, maintenance & video
articles that have taken almost a decade to appear. I'm just
thankful technology has caught up with the internet at last!
I hope to get the YouTube channel up & running with the
first HD video or two in the next week http://www.youtube.com/tvrmfix
I'm finally getting some more work
started on the car - so to follow once completed will be a
step-by-step guide to modifying the front brakes. This will
be a conversion to modern performance 4 pot alloy calipers
& vented discs. I am also hoping to publish video
footage of this mod. and all further published work will be
viewable in video to keep up with modern times. Dashboard
refit to follow the brake mods.
The cold weather is still with us,
but I have made sure I get a day working on the 3000M next
week. Will try my best to update the site with some new
photos. I have promised some more photos of the window
winder mechanism. Any more requests for photos showing
particular detail are welcome ;o)
1600M for restoration up for sale this week - see
Marketplace section. Also the snow has caused the updates to
this site to be delayed as I haven't been able to get the
car out since before Christmas. This will go ahead as soon
as the weather improves.
Following 4 days without Broadband,
I have aded a few site updates. Check parts for sale section
for 3x V6 Essex engines for sale in Spain.
Dare I say Merry Christmas?
A few updates this week to the Technical questions section.
Also welcome to the new members this week - seems the winter
weather means a few of you have the TVR jacked up ready for
some maintenance!
Also worth a mention is that I'm
working on the whole website after Christmas if the Tax
Return takes less than a couple of weeks...
Plans include hopefully adding a new look, better graphics
(not difficult!), more content including plenty of tuning
videos, and a much better user interface. This will also
apply to the members area, and perhaps even involve a new
faster web server as the old one has been running for the
last 10 years now!
I have been working on all
types/makes of cars recently, breakdowns mainly, but the odd
tuning job has been there to break the monotony. This month
the interesting job has been a Triumph Spitfire 1500,
fitting a stage 2 unleaded head, 4-2-1 exhaust, and tuning
the twin SU HS4's afterwards. I'm still working on the
second needle trial as the first set are too lean, but
having the right tools makes the job easy nowadays, compared
to the guesswork in the 1970's/80's/90's unless you had a
load of cash to spend.
***The last TVR Taimar ever made is up for sale - check
the Taimar for sale page for link to advert***
Pop up ads now gone - I have removed the free web
statistics software as it basically hijacked my site without
notifying me correctly so wave goodbye to those annoying
ads, I can live without web stats now as this site is 10
years old!
New wanted advert this week - someone is looking for a 1600M
in Germany. See
Wanted Ads
Just returned from holiday -
apologies for lack of updates since early October. I have
noticed an annoying pop-up advert has appeared on my site -
looking into it as I have not authorised this...suspect it's
the web counter.
I am on holiday at the moment, but have posted this to help
someone out with a TVR:
"Hi. I've posted this on Piston Heads also.
This is going to be a strange request, but hope
someone out there can help us.
My wifes best friend has just had her brother die
suddenly in bed at 62. He owned what we believe was a TVR
3000M. He took the car to a garage to have some work done on
it about 3 weeks before he died and his wife doesn't know
which garage and as yet she hasn't found the cars log book
or any paperwork for the car. I remember seeing it once,
about 5 years ago and it was Black with some stress cracking
around the body. He lived in Farnham, Surrey, near
So does anyone living near there or who used a TVR
garage near Farnham know of a Black car sitting around
gathering dust where the garage can't get hold of the owner?
Any help would be gratefully appreciated to save
car and at the moment his wife needs it back to grieve and
deal with his sudden death"
If anyone out there knows the
whereabouts of this TVR, please email tvr@m-fix.co.uk
and I will pass on your contact details to the person
concerned. Many thanks. Note on
24th August 2010 - this car has now been found, many
thanks to those of you who have emailed in your
I'm currently digging out the old film negatives from my
restoration photos to transfer to digital images - will
update the complete site once it's done as they will be much
more detailed and less grainy than the scanned pics you may
have seen in places on the site. Also they will have a large
size option so you can see more detail. I'm also working on
some products now - all will be revealed in a few weeks!
Technical Questions area updated, plus WAP site for members
being updated with more useful data for "at the roadside"
assistance. Also a new addition to the Gallery - an Essex
Engined Hot Rod with nice close up view of its Holley Carb
for anyone wishing to know what the conversion looks like.
Many thanks to James Collier for the following information
regarding suspension on his 3000M:
"I've just replaced all the rear
upper and lower wishbone bushes on the 3000M with the TR6
front lower inboard bushes. As mentioned on your site the
studs which hold the lower outer bushes were ceased into the
upright. However I did mange to replace the bushes without
the hassle of removing the studs. I removed the nut and
washer and then carefully drilled out the rubber, which in
turn enabled me to remove the bush sleeve. Now with a
liberal amount of bush grease I was able to push the new
bushes into the wishbone housing over the stud using a pair
of large adjustable pliers.
I thought that your readers would like to know that
this can be done, without the hassle of drilling, machining
and crack checking the uprights.
I also have Koni part number for the shocker
absorbers: 80-2365.
I also replaced the anti roll bar bushes. The
inboard ones are from a Triumph Herald anti roll bar and the
outer ones are a Triumph Herald front lower wishbone bush
which has to be shortened.
I hope this helps others out when doing similar
jobs. "
James Collier, 7th July 2009
I was unfortunately unable to
attend the Pre 80's meeting yet again this year....I hope
all of you that went had a good time.
Summer is here - make sure you have got your cooling system
sorted for the hot weather!
2500M V8 for sale in Canada - check out the Marketplace
Text and background colours changing on the site to make it
easier to read. Please let me know if you find anything that
needs making clearer, and thanks to the person who let me
know about the old colours making it difficult to read.
Check out this great website if you own a car with a Rover
V8 engine, or need parts for one:
- Have a look here at this great site devoted to V8 engined
cars. Some great new parts for sale, plus classifieds for V8
engined cars (both cars originally fitted with the Rover V8,
and also cars modified to accept the Rover V8 - e.g. Mini,
TR6, Capri etc etc
New for May 2009 is the M-Fix YouTube video channel - I have
just posted a couple of test movies from my phone taken this
week - take a look here:
More testing has taken place this
week, and more to come. Carbs synchronised now, jetting is
good but fine tuning taking the time. I'm trying to get an
economical cruise along with good power for maximum
acceleration. Seems to be working well and I'm amazed at how
far out things have been. I will have to re-write the
members area in the carb tuning section as I feel like I've
just been studying for an exam for the last year! Working on
making a throttle position sensor as another variable has
reared its ugly head - i.e. varying mixture depending on
throttle position at the same engine RPM's!
Work continued this week on the
Triple Weber Setup - perfection is painstaking but worth it
in the end. I hope to come up with a 'good' fuel consumption
on cruise, as well as a great full power setup. Without the
aid of my Air/Fuel test equipment this would be impossible.
Will be creating a vastly updated section on this once
completed. After that, the final tuning is the distributor
advance curve adjustment, possibly the only thing I need a
rolling road to do for me but still working on another
method of doing this!
New gallery photos added, T slot wheels for sale - check it
out in the marketplace.
The trip over the Berkshire Downs was a good test of the
fuel setup & I worked out the average fuel consumption
was 20mpg, not bad considering the fairly high average speed
on the A roads. There is still a bad hesitation when on very
slight throttle and when accelerating mildly...this is going
to be a new challenge. Also still some popping back through
the carbs. The standard brakes were only just able to stop
the car as required so the 4 pot upgrade is imminent. More
work will take place next week (after Easter) to fit a set
of new safety belts. Full report & new section will
appear as soon as it's done.

Spring fast approaching. The 3000M is off on its first trip
of 2009 this weekend, I hope to provide a report of the day
along with some MPG figures (or MPL) for those interested in
the thirst of a 3.1 V6 Essex with triple DCNF's!
Managed to finally set the rear
wheel alignment to more or less factory setting 0º20' toe-in
now I have a set of tracking gauges. The alignment was found
to be 0º30' toe-out after using a basic method of alignment
after the restoration. It goes to show how innacurate any
method can be rather than using the correct tools. Of course
the factory (or TR6) alignment settings are a good starting
point but small alterations may provide better directional
stability once further road testing can be carried out. The
front tracking was also checked & found to be exactly to
spec - must have been doing something right when I set that
up. Note the rear toe-in adjustment also affects the camber
- more toe-in increases the camber quite noticeably. Not yet
checked it but it appears to be about 2º negative now, will
report on that in the next week.
I have also just modified the
3000M's wiper arms to allow the fitment of new style wiper
blades. These are the ones you see on cars such as the
Renault Scenic 2, Espace IV, Modus etc. Ebay sellers do a
pair of 14" blades for under £20 GBP so I have bought a pair
to test. Initial findings are that the clips to attach them
to the arms are rubbish & not fit for the purpose,
however the actual blades seem reasonably good. The driver's
wiper blade still won't work on the extreme right hand side
of the screen due to its curvature, and the new blades
showed up the weak springs on the wiper arms. I removed the
wiper arm spring and shortened it making the arm press
against the screen much harder, but still allowing the
wipers to operate well. Now at last the screen is cleared
just like on a modern car - a first! I will move this info
& add some pictures into a new section in the next few
Still wanting ideas for remanufactured parts - I am
arranging some batches of parts to be made in the Autumn and
so far have had a request for 3000S door window frames
A new high good quality rocker cover kit has just been
launched by RegAlia Rocker Covers - click on the link for
more details:
Winter was 'ere (for once)!
The cold weather has shown that
it's easy to forget we have winters here in the UK...but
"when I was a lad" they were worse (or better in some
cases!) than this year...I think it's just sad that more
cars aren't fitted with limited slip differentials. Not that
I wanted to take out the 3000M in it (no LSD on this one
Front wheel drive cars are a struggle with LSD's anyway,
that's why they are normally found on 4x4's or rear wheel
drive cars only. If one driven wheel spins on the snow/ice
on a non LSD equipped car then you are stuck as the other
doesn't move. With an LSD the differential transfers the
drive to the other side, thus making traction better in
difficult conditions. For track use it does the same thing,
and of course means you go forward quicker rather than
burning rubber. The downside is higher stresses in the
differential, therefore and LSD is normally beefed up
Still not done, but clearer photos
will be replacing some of the old photos on this site very
soon due to a new piece of kit I have which allows high
quality digital copies of my old 35mm photos from the
1990's...will keep you informed as this happens.
More Wanted Adverts this week - please see below for an
opportunity to get a special TVR badge:
"I looked around on the net to find a textile badge
identical to our M series bonnet badge (to be put on a cap).
I found a company who can make them from a picture of the
badge, puts it in the computer, and makes badges. Now the
problem is that a one-off would cost me £100. Is there any
of you who would be interested too, so we can split the
cost? Let me know, I’m happy to coordinate all this. Contact
Frank at blue_zeeland@yahoo.com
Jan 7th 2009
At last! HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to the M-Fix TVR website
to all, including the new members. New additions to the
technical questions section have been added this week.
Again my mobile car repair work has taken up most of my time
recently, with some interesting work on a Chimaera involving
the central locking "black box" controller. Rather than fit
a new CDL/Immobiliser setup I have decided to go down the
diagnostic route, and have got involved in some serious
electronics including microprocessor reprogramming and
creating a wiring diagram to allow the complete system to be
checked. More to follow once complete.
I am also looking into getting some hard to find TVR parts
remanufactured in the Autumn of 2009 so please email me here
with any requests/ideas you have regarding this.
NEC Classic Car Show 2008

I visited this show today (Friday 14th Nov). Nice to see a
couple of Granturas & a Vixen there - no M Series cars
however so may try to get the 3000M into the next show once
it's complete. The show was larger than in previous years,
taking up 4 halls & there were a great selection of rare
classics were on display.
I have added a NEW section at last! See members area,
clutches, added to assist when deciding whether to change
your clutch. Also notes on sizes and I.D. markings to make
purchasing a new clutch possible without stripping out the
old one first.
Things have been busy at work during the last month so
updates have been delayed. Finally sorted out my desk &
members area will now start to be filled with some very
useful tuning data, just need a day to get it all written.
8th Sept 2008 - 3000M Shells on
EBAY UK - only 1 day to go before end of bidding! Only a
couple of bids so far - don't miss out on this very rare
opportunity! All from the same seller. Note this sale is not
related to my website in any way, I just spotted it last
night while surfing! See links below:
1972 3000M Bodyshell
3000M Bodyshell - front end damaged but
rear half ok. Also has fold back roof (unredeemable the ad
says) but maybe could be rebuilt like I have done? -
sold for only £10.50!
3000M door aperture alloy gutters
New on the links page is the TVR Car Club Italia. Looking on
the site there's a very interesting Turismo (Tour) around
the Chianti Valley - check it out here! Would be a great
place to take your TVR on some of the best roads &
scenery in the World.
Welcome to the new members in the last couple of weeks -
quite a few new ones as I guess it was the holiday season
& time for some repairs!
New service available to TVR S owners (i.e. S1-S4, not the
3000S) to test/repair your electronic speedometer & test
the speedo transducer. Pricing & details to appear very
shortly on my business website - www.m-fix.co.uk
New Wanted advert for some Vixen or early M series parts
- see here
Work continuing on fuel jetting.
Air/Fuel calibration now underway with the 3000M, therefore
at last correct carb jetting can be carried out. Initial
tests show a mixture that's far too rich on both
acceleration & cruising. Should be able to save a few
£££'s on fuel now & get rid of the power loss between
1850 & 2500 rpm. Full report to commence in members area
in next few days with graphs, explanations etc.
Taimar spares!
Shame to see it but a good number of rare spares available
on this Taimar shell/chassis that is on ebay. Item has been
relisted. Click here.
Want to see an ongoing TVR 2500M
restoration? Have a look here at Bill Patterson's photo
TVRCC Track Day 28th April 2008 -

See the full report from an unusually quiet track day -
click here
I am going to try to attend the TVRCC track days this year
(see dates below), hopefully running the 3000M once I've
sorted the exhaust (now in progress), jetting fine tuning,
modified brakes, new wheels/tyres. Just about to purchase an
air/fuel diagnostic setup for on the road fine tuning, may
be of interest to owners of older TVRs out there without
fuel injection. I have also been doing more & more work
on Chimaera models recently so am happy to quote for work on
newer TVRs (if under 15k value) now as they are not all that
different to the old ones!
TVR Car Club Track days 2008:
Monday 28th April - Castle Combe
(99db noise limit) - I attended but not in the TVR due to
ongoing work.
Tuesday 27th May - Cadwell Park (105db noise limit) -
Unfortunately the weather had been seriously wet and I
didn't go simply as the forecast was bad.
Wednesday 25th June - Oulton Park (105db noise limit)
Wednesday 27th August - Oulton Park (105db noise limit)
Full report after each day will
appear on this page.
April is here so time to get the
car work started again (in-between my usual mobile car work
- http://www.m-fix.co.uk)
RSS Feed address changed - it may
be wise to re-subscribe to this service as I've moved it to
a server that supports rss feeds correctly (the old one
didn't causing problems).
New wanted advert - someone needs a set of triple weber
carbs, inlet manifold & possibly a set of air filters
for a V6 Essex. Please see marketplace wanted ads.
Gallery updated, technical questions updated this week.
Spring is just round the corner, so it's time to check
your TVR over ready for the nice weather.
Engine - Check all levels,
drain/flush/renew as necessary. Check cooling system for
leaks, and make sure the otter switch is working for your
radiator fan. Check the radiator fins are unblocked &
straight, and that the water pump doesn't have a load of
crusty deposits under the spindle hole. If so the seals
are worn and the pump could start to leak especially on
hot days/long journeys.
Gearbox & Diff - Check for oil leaks & make sure
the levels are correct - can be tricky to check on some
Tyres - Check for damage to the sidewalls & tread
(don't forget to check the inside tyre wall too!).
Suspension/Steering - Jack up
each wheel and check for play in the wheel
bearings/suspension/steering, and spin the wheel to listen
for any roughness in the bearing, as sometimes there can
be no play but the wheel bearing's surface can be pitted.
Rear wheels difficult to spin due to drivetrain. While
you're there check over the tyre treads for embedded
nails/screws etc. Check also the steering column top bush
hasn't got any play by holding the steering wheel at 12
& 6 o'clock and pull/push with alternate hands.
Brakes - Check the pads &
shoes - replace pads if under about 4mm, shoes if under
2mm. While drums are off, check the wheel cylinders aren't
seeping under the rubber dust cover. De-rust the discs
before using to save the pads from contamination. Adjust
handbrake if necessary & check correct operation.
Check cables aren't rubbing on the half shafts and if so
move them away using a cable tie.
Drivetrain - Grease up the half
shaft & propshaft UJ's if fitted with a grease nipple
and check for excess movement in all joints. Check half
shaft central gaiters aren't split or loose.
Windscreen & Wipers - If the car's not been garaged,
the windscreen wipers may have ice damage - replace them
if necessary. Top up the screenwash and adjust/unblock the
washer jets if necessary.
Lights - Check all work ok after
extended winter use. Tap each lamp unit while they are on
in case a bulb filament is about to separate. May save you
getting a ticket next time you drive at night.
Locks & Hinges - Use some light oil or spray grease to
lubricate moving parts. Check the bonnet catches work
properly & are secure as the fibreglass can sometimes
split around these.
Rare set of new Weber triple carbs & Inlet manifold for
sale - take a look here.
Further photos now available for a nice 3000M for sale in
the Marketplace section. It's an unfinished restoration
project car, but with little work left to do would suit
someone willing to do a little work to finish it. Click here to see the car (2nd advert
from top).
Taimar Engine/Transmission for sale in the USA:
"I have a complete good running Taimar engine/transmission
for sale in PA, USA. This drivetrain is complete carb
to pan with alternator and starter. The engine is currently
being auctioned on Ebay. You can email me at donecam@verizon.net
or bid on my Ebay auction HERE"
See XML link above for latest news. From now on I will use
this to post all site updates as I guess you are all Tech
Savvy enough these days! This is the RSS feed system, which
means you will get updates automatically each time I post a
new message/blog there as long as you opt in using your
browser. It saves a lot of typing for me! Any problems with
this, please feel free to email using the link in the menu
bar at the top of this page.
The new M-Fix Workshop Manual version 1.0 is still being
prepared for first issue. Latest news on the release date is
now first half of 2008 - my business work has meant
unforseen delays. However, the manual will include all of
the information, photos, data etc available in the members
area, and will be available from the online shop. Updates
will be available as and when deemed necessary. Update packs
will be available to allow previous versions of the manual
to be updated. News of the launch will appear both on the
M-Fix RSS feed, and the homepage here.
Things have been busy since the last update, so I am finally
getting round to some more much needed improvements to the
3000M. Vented front brake conversion, new wheels/tyres, fine
tuning of the triple webers are all on the way. Not to
mention getting round to sorting out the seats and interior
trims. All of this means some interesting new articles for
the website, and also the publishing of the first edition of
the M-Fix Technical Manual. I have been working on a V8S
recently - body off chassis repairs, engine diagnostics,
interior electrics, also have Serviced a Chimaera 4.0.
Anyone else interested in some TVR related work please get
in touch - see below for details.
I am now able to do work on a mobile basis - please see the
new website for details here: www.m-fix.co.uk
Rates are really suited to local work however, but I'm
willing to travel outside the area shown if you need
assistance on your TVR. I specialise in electronic
diagnostics and have a Rover V8 14CUX dianostic tool, so am
able to fault find most V8 TVRs now.
Again 26th Sept - new wanted adverts for 3000S and 3000M
parts - see marketplace section or click here
Work is continuing on the first hardcopy manual which will
be available for purchase. This means a load of extra work
to get into some sort of useful format, so please bear with
me, it's still in progress.
TVR Car Club Oxfordshire Region - Karting Endurance Race
at Shennington Kart Track
It was a wild afternoon, with 11 teams of 3, each
driver getting two 15 minute stints as the driver. The track
is one of the best in the UK and the Karts are twin engined
- which makes the racing much more fun as the speed can
reach around 40mph. The weather was hot & sunny so the
grip was at its best, the tyres only losing grip on the
chicane and the two hairpins. Photos to follow, but if
you're interested in karting then check out the Shennington
Kart Racing Club at:
TVR Car Club Oxfordshire Region meeting for August 2007
A good turn out again this month,
the weather being kind to make it a great evening in the car
park looking at the cars, approx. 15 TVRs this time. If you
wish to attend, the meetings are at the Foxcombe Inn Hotel
at boars Hill on the first Thursday of the month. For
further info see the TVRCC Oxford region website at http://www.tvrccoxford.co.uk
Some updates coming up this for 1600M engine data etc to the
members area. Data is still currently being collated but
will appear soon.
Remember this question?
Does anyone know what make glass sunroof was fitted to the
Taimar? Also can you tell me what vehicle it was originally
fitted to?
Many thanks to John Simpson - he has provided the answer -
it was a Tudor Webasto sunroof.
Just spotted this on Youtube - an M Series TVR
Video - not sure but looks like it's a UK owned car. I guess
someone needed to get out the house at Christmas going by
the title...
New item in Store - Gearbox Gasket
Set for 4 speed Ford Gearboxes fitted to the 3000M and Essex
V6 Engines (3 Litre).
TVR Car Club Oxfordshire Meeting 7th June 2007
I took the 3000M to the Oxfordshire
meeting this week - there were 22 other cars there including
a prototype 3000S which has no boot! It was apparently used
by the hood makers for TVR and so is a unique model. See a
couple of pic's below:

I have decided to expand the wanted & for sale adverts
to cover all models of classic TVR i.e. any model up to and
including the S models. This is due to the coverage this
website is now getting thanks to years of being online - so
I hope it will help anyone who owns an old TVR find a rare
part, or sell their car to an enthusiast and not a time
waster. Send any adverts you wish to display using the
contact link at in the menu bar.
3000M rolling road session report now viewable in members
section - see Technical Manual, Engine, V6 Essex for the
report (members area only).
It was arranged by the TVRCC Cotswold 3
Counties...Interesting range of cars were there including a
TVR Typhon. The power & torque curve is shown so you can
see what was recorded, an see how much a triple carb setup
produces along with the other mods.
Can you help a 3000M/S owner track
down a spare roof/frame assembly? Or perhaps suggest parts
from donor vehicles that can be modified? If so please see
the WANTED ad's page.
For May there were additions to the
new section on MOT Emissions test procedure (to help those
of you who do your own tuning to understand how the test
centre measures your car's emissions). Also is a new article
on Core Plug removal which has been my latest challenge this
I am now Self Employed again and
once my 'work vehicle' is ready to roll I will offer a
call-out repair/advice service to owners of TVR & Essex
engined vehicles. Not yet sure on extent of area covered but
hope I can offer something that's of help to most people in
the UK. It's planned to be a home visit service where you
can book a visit to help you sort out a problem with your
car, to carry out some maintenance, MOT preparation or
pre-MOT check, or just for a helping hand with some heavier
jobs such as lifting off your bodyshell etc. There's the
possibility of a telephone helpline where you can reach me
when you need to talk about a car problem rather than wait
for an email reply, however this has possible legal
implications so I am seeking advice before going ahead. I am
going through the many survey replies received in the past 4
years to see what else I can offer with this new venture,
including offering work/advice on other TVR models. Please
feel free to drop me a line if anything mentioned above is
of particular interest.
While I will offer the mobile
service initially, I am in the process of checking out some
local workshops as I feel this is the only real way to offer
a good service to you in terms of mechanical work. If this
is possible, it will be in Banbury, Oxfordshire or the
immediate surrounding area, although not yet sure if
feasable due to the crazy costs involved and lack of small
workshops in the area.
The above work means I will be
working full-time on this business, therefore expect many
new articles, photos and even streaming videos to appear
once this has begun! Also due to popular request I will
finally be producing the M Series Technical Manual in
hardcopy which will be available for purchase.

June 3rd 2007 is the Grand Opening for Bob Carroll's Midlife
Classics business (for Classic Car Auto Restoration and
Sales) in Princeton, Texas, USA. Also on this day is a
Classic Car Show - check out the website for the cars here -
and click here for the Grand Opening Flyer
(acrobat .pdf file). Book your tickets early for lower
prices, and the first 20 registrations receive a FREE
T-Shirt! Also prizes on the day.
Thanks to Chris Gale for answering
the question on suspension from earlier this month. (I have
a 1971 2500 and I have just replaced the front shocks and
springs. I would like to replace the 4 rear springs. Any
idea what weight they should be?). See his answer in
Technical Questions - Suspension.
Finally I got round to testing the
car to see if all the tweaks to the triple carbs and
camshaft have finally sorted out the problem with high
hydrocarbons (HC). I'm glad to report that it now sails
through the MOT requirements but has to be fully warmed up
(i.e. cooling fan must have cut in a couple of times before
testing). Full update in 40DCNF section in members only
area! Some updates to the technical questions have been
added this week also.
Other updates to members area for
March - mainly to make printing of the technical pages
easier. Also a new technical question has been added. For
full update please see rss feed (click on XML icon above).
Wap site in members area updated
with more useful data. TVR 3000m 2500m 1600m and Taimar
owners check this out!
Another TVR Vixen for Sale advert placed 18th Feb, have a
look here!
More articles to appear soon,
apologies for few updates this winter, I am hoping from
spring 2007 the site will be more user friendly &
contain loads more once I've finished some important work on
my house!
TVR Vixen for Sale advert, new for Jan - have a look here!
Also, Web Server update ongoing improve the site's speed and
address some worn out components. Please be patient, lots of
things going on behind the scenes. Hope to roll out some new
stuff on the site once all the changes have been finalised.
There will be a few technical questions added tomorrow
(Thurs 11th Jan). Once again welcome to the new members this
New RSS feed for this site - if you use Internet Explorer 7
or other various browsers you can now subscribe (for free)
to be notified automatically for any updates to the site.
Click on the XML link graphic above for the feed.
Sales area updated due to old adverts. Please feel free to
send in your "For Sale" ads for any classic TVR - there are
many site visitors interested in buying classic models of
Check out the engine section for a
new page for a V6 Chevy conversion to a TVR 2500 - very
impressive! Thanks also for the new info. supplied regarding
the TVR 2500M triple carb conversion info. request in the
right hand column of this page.
Please keep your adverts coming in
for cars for sale, or wanted. The marketplace section is in
need of some new adverts! Ok ebay is pretty much the top
place to find stuff, but don't forget it's free here and
most people looking are seriously interested about what's
for sale. Welcome to the new members this week!
Anyone have any spare heater or
hazard switches? See here for type required by an owner in
Italy. Also does anyoneknow what these switches were
originally fitted to? Please let me know here
if you can help.
New WAP site now live for members.
This will allow you to have technical data available to your
mobile phone, allowing you to look up important info. at any
time - e.g when you need to check your tyre pressures, have
the tracking/camber checked etc. Work is continuing on this
new side of the website.
New site map being compiled to make browsing easy with non
Java menus useful for those without suitable browser or hand
held personal organisers. See lower down this page on the
right for the current menus available in text, and remember
to use your browsers BACK key until pages have been modified
to allow navigation to other pages to be possible. Java menu
will still be shown as is much more useful to 80% of users.
The Cam replacement/timing section
in the members area is now fully updated, and I'm currently
working carb jetting, now getting closer to a nice
sounding/running engine at last. Sorry for delays as I have
had to spend a lot of time sorting various things out with
the camshaft work. Spitting carb problem sorted now also. I
am now in the process of sorting out the engine breathing
system now, by fitting an oil catch tank which will vent out
to somewhere at the back of the car - putting an end to
fumes entering the car and making my clothes smell.
I am currently sorting out the
poor running/MOT nightmare on the M-Fix 3000M due to triple
carbs and a road/rally spec cam (Kent V62). I have changed
the cam to a milder spec (Kent V63 Fast Road). The update to
the technical manual for in-car cam changes, plus setting
the cam timing correctly using offset woodruff keys is now
available. The new cam is from a blank rather than
reprofiled and allows the steel timing gear dot to line up
with the crankshaft dot - explaining why the last cam forced
the dot to be 1 tooth out when timing in the cam. Reground
cams are offset more due to the regrinding of the lobes
being altered in overlap etc. It is a bit of a chore to set
the cam up but quite straightforward once used to it.
Wanted ads - see if you have
something sitting in your garage that could help out a
fellow TVR owner.
Plans underway to allow this site
to be more user friendly in terms of browser and mobile
phone/PDA access. Please email me your comments especially
if you find the site difficult to access on a certain
browser....thank you for your patience and continued
From June: Engine - full answer for
the mystery inlet manifold that has been on the site for a
few months now, thanks to Jason Cooke. Also of interest is a
bargain 2500M for sale - see marketplace section, and
further tech. info on unseizing a clutch plate (in technical
questions - gearbox section). New parts wanted advert on
29th June - see "marketplace".
Please take some time to fill out
the survey form, especially if you are interested in a new
service I am thinking of setting up for those of you who
sometimes need a helping hand doing the work on your cars.
See survey for information.
Thanks for the "find a T-Slot
wheel" contributions - one happy customer in under 24 hours!
Remember that the technical
questions are for non-members also.
Click here to see what's been added to
members section
...All new updates from March 2005
here to see what's been added) will only appear in members
area where the articles can also be printed,
unlike the free pages which will still be updated in all
areas, except for the Technical Library. There is a small
membership fee to help cover the associated costs of running
the whole site (larger than you would imagine), and to help
with future projects. The members site has NO Adverts as we
think they just get in the way of the important stuff.
Subscriptions are available for 1 Month, and now a
discounted quarterly and 6 monthly option. For costs see
Members Area Login/Signup in menu above.
New section finally started for
bodywork resoration. First to appear is stripping paint to
bare fibreglass.
For foreign visitors please try the new Babelfish link on
the right of this page - at last it allows you to
translate these pages!! Also, 4 New Technical questions so
far this week. Also see M series cars for sale for new
advert. Please also help me by filling in the survey form
on the right.
If you need a second hand TVR
part try Douglas
Valley Breakers - they even have some classic
the M-Fix Store HERE
Exciting news for anyone
requiring an M Series windscreen - new manufacture with
heated option. Also coming soon are heated rear screens. Click
here for full info
38DGAS stripdown/servicing
procedure now in progress, to appear as soon as I get time
- done on 30th Oct. Also currently road testing the 3000M
to get the running sorted since MOT tweeks, some photos to
appear & some tuning info updates to appear in members
area. New Autumn Survey form now on this page on the right
below adverts - please help with future plans and send me
your views!!
Many new technical questions, plus new articles in members
section - see here for details. Links page now
updated/amended. New web address for TVR Car Club North
America - http://www.tvrccna.org
+++PLUS+++ New this week is an ebay
"window" which allows you to see a few of the current
items available for your TVR - quite handy I think, no?
M-Fix shop open again - click on
From August: Members area
new information available: Adjustment of rear wheel
bearings. More technical questions as usual. I am currently
spending some time looking into a running fault which has
reared its ugly head again, almost certainly to do with non
motorcraft (Ford) parts for the engine....more on this very
soon. Traced it (partly) to the cap, but also worn
distributor spindle bearing at base of distributor. The
bearing had worn enough to let the pressure of the cam gear
alter the centre position of the rotor arm, allowing it to
cut away the HT contacts inside the cap on no.'s 1, 4 and 2.
Still getting the odd misfire now after fitting a new Bosch
type non vacuum distributor from Aldon, but at least all 6
cylinders are working.
I have just discovered a company supplying goodridge
hoses for the M Series & Classic TVRs:
Castle Combe Track day - Friday
24th June 2005

here for full report
The M-Fix Store (in
marketplace section) has now reduced the price of the Graham
Robson TVR reference books. There is a £1 discount for
payment made by cheque rather than Paypal (due to Paypal
seller fees). These books are brand new and in stock now for
fast despatch!
Also this month - new technical question, also long
awaited update to members area with front brake info,
photos and pad/disc/caliper overhaul procedure when
servicing. Also Rear Brake overhaul now available,
finished Sat 11th June 10.30pm. Updates to front and rear
suspension sections also done (added new photos and text).
All cars for sale sections updated - all old adverts were
removed (thanks John B for your survey comment reminding
May 2005 Latest - 3 new technical questions this
week. Also, parts for sale section new advert with parts
including a 3.1L triple carb steel cranked Essex! Take a
look in the Marketplace section under parts for sale, or click here.
Also new exhaust section, rear
suspension sections now added to members area - work in
progress. Coming after are front & rear brakes info
& photos. Also a new parts for sale advert & 5 new
technical questions answered.
April 2005
V6 Essex Technical Data section started in members area, so
far tech specs on general data, block/cylinder data plus
torque wrench settings. This covers early and late type
Essex engines. Now also some 2498cc Triumph Data for 2500M.
Also added in the free area of the site are 3 new technical
question answered, plus links page addition.
Following this will be a Technical Manual Data
booklet....more news soon.
Feb 05: Addition to Gallery section.
December 2004 - New article on
Propshafts now published & a couple of Sunroof
restoration photos added, article updated.
Thanks to Clive at TVRCC Sprint
magazine for featuring this website. As the article mentions
the scrapyard watch section, please help me keep it up to
date by emailing your "finds" straight away! See the Car
Ads/Gallery section for more info.
Parts sourcing/price guide page
being compiled...available to view from today (10th August
2004), but still under construction. All your notes
including part numbers from other manufacturers' welcome, I
want this to be a definitive list eventually to sort out
these cars once and for all...
Trade tips section - ask me
and I will try to answer!
At last something useful! Have
been extremely busy with other things hence quiet period.
New gallery photos, plus some new tips in the Wiring section
for determining fuse ratings, wire sizes, and fusebox
typical layout when fitting an Autosparks aftermarket loom.
New article on bonnet catches - thanks to Simon for your
request for this item on your survey reply!
New information about converting your M series car to a V8!
See Technical Library engine section
Get Advertising! - If you have any spares to sell for
your TVR or V6 Essex engined car then try the ads section.
Plenty of wanted ads are there too - a good place to look if
you have some old unwanted parts kicking around!
New Body Removal Article - see Technical Library,
Scrapyard Watch section now introduced - to enable M Series
owners to find second hand parts from other vehicles that
are otherwise no longer available. I have put a first entry
in so let's see if a database can be built up enough to
enable a list per geographical area. See classified ads
section - update: 3000M seen in a scrapyard!!!
Come on, tell us if you know of any of these in a scrap
Capri 3 Litre, Granada 3 Litre, Scimitar GTE, Triumph GT6,
Triumph 2000 (for metal bumpers), Ford Consul (early type
for windscreen) etc etc
New Fuel Sender Modification for cars showing ¼ full on
gauge, but run out of fuel! See technical library under fuel
A new section has begun within the
technical library - the diary of a TVR 3000M owner. This
will be updated from time to time with new articles -
already one update!

Castle Combe TVRCC Track Day 2003
Also new is a downloadable TVR M Series buyer's guide,
Wiring Diagram download, Windscreen & Rear Screen
removal/refitting, Bonnet quick release mod, new gallery
photo, bodywork tools update still in progress (more photos
& info), new tech questions appearing regularly...latest
one includes a downloadable sketch of safety belt mount
The new site's running pretty
smoothly now, with plenty more work needed to keep me busy.
I'm trying to get all the sections finished, and still
maintaining a fast response to technical questions (same day
replies in most cases). Keep them coming in - each one then
goes onto the website so in time it will become a useful
source of help to others.
Please bear in mind that some of
the sections require a lot of scanning of photos which is
pretty time consuming - so I have to find spaces in my busy
schedule to get them transferred to digital.
Thanks for all your support of this
site past, present & future!
Work on the old Minifix site has now ceased but it will
remain online for some time as is - so please add this new
site's address to your favourites.
For 2004! - this site will
begin to offer a few (to start with) parts for sale relevant
to your M series TVR, or Ford V6 Essex engine.
Get Trading - Please see new wanted adverts for
second hand parts - may be of use if you have some second
hand parts to sell. Alternatively, place your parts adverts
for free (will add sections if popular).
Also is a new TVR number plates section - for wanted plates
or plates to sell
here to visit these new sections
Claims to Fame!
Seen any "famous" people while driving recently? In late
2005 I pulled up behind a car with a number plate M0R 15Y -
and none other than Morrissey (ex Smiths lead singer) was
driving it. He was a good safe driver from what I saw!
Wasn't driving a TVR though......
Additional note March 2007 - In response to a thread in a
Morrissey chat forum last year, I really did see him in this
car in Warwick, UK driving on the main road through the town
centre. Could have been a tribute band singer though, as you
know what they are like...but I am almost 100% certain it
was the real one! By the way thanks for the extra website
traffic you are generating for me :oP so here is my link to
you: http://forums.morrissey-solo.com